About Ron
Ron’s Method
I customize my approach on a client by client basis. I seek to help clients understand their own situation, access their motivation to do something about it and provide the tools and skills necessary to move forward in good ways. I do this through dialogue, discovery and self assigned homework. I charge by the session, or by the project, as appropriate.
About Ron Loewen
My practice is grown out of my personal and professional experience. I have spent over 25 years applying my values to my passion for peacebuilding, truth telling and healing. I have sought out wise ones who have done this work well and adjusted until my impact is in line with my vision. This is an ongoing process. My work is guided by the following.
Love: I am committed to being loving. First and last, this is my guiding light. I will endeavour to show and practice love as a husband, father, son, coach, and community member.
Justice: I believe that love demands justice, and that justice must be loving. This is true in both family and business contexts. Learning to be accountable is a wonderful lesson to learn.
Learning: I am a passionate learner. I love learning about new people, new contexts and applying past learning to new situations. I look forward to learning with you.
Reality/Clarity: It is my life’s goal to become more aligned with the way things really are. I seek to see what is, and will be possible, then help you do the same.
Integrity: What I teach I practice. My wisdom is hard earned and tempered with humility. I expect to be held accountable when I make a mistake or have a negative impact.
Money: Money is a tool. It is useful in helping us live out our values and have the impact we want. I help my clients earn more of it with more income streams (both active and passive) so they can have greater positive impact.
Diversity: I find that as I seek love and justice and reality I am finding more and more that the differences that define us need not divide us. I love working with people seeking to be authentically and lovingly themselves. So, if you are comfortable working with me, I am eager to work with you. For clarity, I enjoy working with those who identify or present as neurodivergent, any of the spectrum of expressions of gender, sexuality, identity, visible minorities, or of any faith.
Authenticity: I want to be fully me, and I want to be fully seen. I believe that is true for all of us. I want you to know how to be authentically and lovingly you.
Faith: I am a Mennonite, which is to say a kind of Christian. This drives me to seek justice, practice love, and build peace in my community. I do not need you to share my faith to work with you. If appropriate and beneficial, I will pray for you.
Family: Families are our arena of greatest impact. They are also our most difficult arena to live our values. I love supporting people in growing their ability to be loving and just in their homes.
Ron’s Background
I love learning. This means that I also like diversity. This has resulted in me developing my content expertise in multiple fields, including; conflict resolution, negotiation, restorative justice, criminal justice, chemistry, not for profit leadership, board development, philosophy, theology, online dispute resolution, adult education, family mediation, family law, referral networking, real estate investing, mystic arts, natural bioenergetics, peace circles, group facilitation, business development, life coaching, emotional intelligence, and I hope the list will keep growing. In addition to these areas of study, I have also had the privilege of learning over 100 different businesses and not for profits from my clients.
I also love teaching. This means I eagerly seek out opportunities to share what I have learned in the hopes that others will gain benefit. I have taught thousands of hours in settings such as; seminary, university, conferences, training seminars, one on one coaching, workshops, online seminars, bible studies, churches and youth groups. There is little I love doing more than helping others find clarity and their motivation to achieve good outcomes for them and their loved ones. This has been born out over my more than 22 years of adult experience.
I am most comfortable with other leaders and ambitious people, so that is who I have spent the most time with. I have had the privilege of learning from world changing leaders and from each and everyone of my clients over the years. I have consistently been drawn to those who find that the world needs work, and to do that work we need to develop ourselves.
I love helping new things get started. I have helped establish two national organisations (Canadian Restorative Justice Consortium, Canadian Network of Circles of Support and Accountability), have sat on the board of local, national and international organisations, and even did some work with a software startup called Smartsettle. I am currently on the board of Natural Bioenergetics Global and the NB Institute Council.
As a husband of 28 years I have had the joy and privilege of growing in my ability to live by my values and have the positive impact that I wish. As a father of 4 men, 2 of whom are trans, I have had the privilege of growing in my understanding of what it means to be authentic and real. Love has guided my choices and is a central family value. Much of my practice and curriculum has been forged in the confines of my own family as I seek to apply what I learn in my own life.
My faith journey has been one of continual growth in how to serve faithfully. This has stretched me to love unconditionally and to seek to build loving, peaceful and just communities and businesses. Recently I have been adding to my faith practice in the area of prayer and meditation.
Whenever I get the chance, I love to see places and cultures that I haven’t been to before. This has led me to travel extensively. I have been to well over 30 different countries and look forward to more. When I am not out and about, I live with my family in Langley BC. I attend North Langley Community Church.